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Hi friends! The kids go back to school in a a few short weeks, and we’ve been busy shopping and trying to enjoy what’s left of summer vacation. I haven’t done that many crafts or projects this summer, but today, the kids and I managed to find time for a quick, easy and totally cute craft. We made these LEGO Star Wars lightsaber earrings, and the girls can’t wait to show them off. Adorable are they, I think — what about you?

lego star wars mini figures and earrings made from lightsabers

My family and I just love the Star Wars saga. We’ve watched all of the movies probably a billion times each, it seems. The kids have been various characters for Halloween, and my little guy fights imaginary duels with his toy lightsaber almost daily. And of course, we can’t wait to see the newest Star Wars movie! 

The younglings are also completely crazy about Legos, especially Lego Star Wars, and we’ve been wanting to make some lightsaber earrings for quite some time. The problem is that nobody was willing to sacrifice a perfectly good pair of Lego lightsabers to make the earrings. So we ordered some new lightsabers, and I found a way to make the earrings without the change being permanent. This way, the kids can convert the earrings back into toy lightsabers if they want.

Here’s how we made the Lego lightsaber earrings!


  • Lego lightsabers
  • 26-gauge silver wire
  • Fish hook earring wires
  • Jump rings
  • Needle-nose pliers
  • Wire cutters

supplies used to make lightsaber earrings

First, we used the needle-nose pliers to wrap the wire around the end of the lightsaber handle. I used the end that had the small ridges so that the wire would stay better.

wrap wire around lightsaber with needle nosed pliers

Then, we threaded the jump rings through the other end of the wire and then attached the fish hook wires to the jump rings. You could also to this part first and then thread the rings through the wire — whatever is easier.

thread fish hook earring wires through silver wire on lightsaber

We just wrapped the the wire tightly around the handles a few times and then cut the excess with the wire cutters. Easy peasy!

lego darth vader and obi wan with lego lightsaber earrings

Even my little guy was interested in this craft. He may not wear earrings, but anything related to Legos and Star Wars is right up is alley. He even brought out his mini figures for a quick battle, complete with those explosive battle sounds that only little boys can make. 

Seriously, I can’t make sounds like this no matter how hard I try. If your a boy mom, you’ll understand. 

girl wearing red lego lightsaber earrings

So, you don’t need any special tools or glue or anything to make these Lego Star Wars lightsaber earrings, but they look so cute when they’re done. And like I said, they can easily be converted back into regular lightsabers. I think the little man is hoping this will happen!

Thanks so much for visiting!

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  1. Dee M says:

    Thanks, Mila. It amazes me how my son can get those sounds exactly right! 🙂

  2. Dee M says:

    I can't even come close to making a lightsaber noise! 🙂

  3. Dee M says:

    Thanks so much, Stephanie!

  4. Dee M says:

    That sounds so exciting, and the earrings would be perfect for that! Best of luck on the race! 🙂

  5. Julia Nyanyo says:

    LOVE these, what a great and easy way to make super cool earrings! I'm with you with the whole noise thing, even the lightsaber noise sound more like a train/owl when I do it!

  6. Mila Myk says:

    I love it! They are stylish and they can be used in a battle 😉 It doesn't get much better than that!
    Explosive battle sounds made by boys are the cutest!

  7. Stephanie Watkins says:

    Adorable Dee!!! So cute

  8. Falon says:

    These are so cute! I'm running the Star Wars 10k in January, going to have to make myself a pair!